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lawmakers ftc senate congress antitrust department of justice investigation

Lawmakers ask FTC to determine if AI generated article summaries are anti-competitive

Data collection has never been as powerful or lucrative as it is right now
A hot potato: Currently, the AI industry is the Wild West. There are very few laws on the books that govern the market. This lack of formal regulation has led to AI firms operating on the honor system, promising to effectively self-regulate, but democrats in the US Senate believe the self-regulation experiment has failed. They're now asking trade regulators to see if they can find any antitrust violations, especially in AI-generated content summaries.
microsoft activex office windows microsoft office security operating system

Microsoft is trying to kill ActiveX controls in Office for good

In context: Microsoft introduced ActiveX in 1996 during Windows 95 days. So, in technological terms, it's ancient. Redmond designed it as a developer framework, allowing users to embed interactive objects into Windows applications and Internet Explorer. However, ActiveX eventually became a security threat that the tech giant's engineers are understandably trying to remove.
navy starlink stinky military us navy

Navy discovers hidden Starlink dish on US warship after spotting Wi-Fi network named "STINKY"

WTF?! Navy personnel deployed for months at sea miss certain creature comforts, including a reliable internet connection. Starlink, with its ability to connect just about anywhere on earth, including in the middle of the ocean, was too tempting for a group of chiefs to resist, so they illegally installed it as part of their preparations for a deployment. They were caught and prosecuted but the incident may also prompt a reevaluation of internet access policies on deployed vessels – or at least better safety protocols.
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