Leaked email sheds light on the curious death of HowStuffWorks founder Marshall Brain

Cal Jeffrey

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In context: Marshal Brain created the HowStuffWorks website as a hobby in 1998. To his surprise, the site became a go-to for the layman wanting to understand complex processes and systems in easy-to-read language. The site spawned books, podcasts, and a TV series on the Discovery Channel, which purchased the brand from Brain for $250 million in 2007.

Marshall Brain, the creator of the popular HowStuffWorks website, died the week before Thanksgiving in his office on the campus of North Carolina State University. He was 63. Brain's wife called NC State Police to perform a welfare check at 6:40 am on November 20. Officers arrived in his office at 7:00 am to find him already dead.

University newspaper Technician noted that initially, no cause of death was released. On Tuesday, Raleigh's The News & Observer obtained a copy of Brain's death certificate, confirming he committed suicide. The report did not mention motive or method, but an email sent a few hours before his death spelled out his motivation pretty clearly.

At 4:29 am, Brain emailed about 30 friends and associates. The lengthy letter explained how specific university staff members "ruined his life."

"I have just been through one of the most demoralizing, depressing, humiliating, unjust processes possible with the university," Brain wrote.

The process he was referring to was NC State's "EthicsPoint" system, a method of reporting ethical complaints. Brain claimed he had "witnessed wrongdoing" in August after having a dispute with an administrator over the Engineering Entrepreneurs Program meeting place, which he led.

He used EthicsPoint to file his complaint, as the school had instructed staff and students to do. What followed was a complete system breakdown, leading to his firing.

"I witnessed wrongdoing on campus, and I tried to report it," Brain's email read. "What came back was a sickening nuclear bomb of retaliation the likes of which could not be believed."

One of his students, aware of the situation, said it boiled down to Brain not wanting to "play the political game."

"Marshall was caught in an imbalanced group of people with more power than him, and they didn't like him calling them out," said email recipient and Brain's former student Brandon Kashani. "... He was keeping people accountable. He didn't understand that political aspect of it, and they just wanted to get rid of him."

On November 6, North Carolina State's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Executive Program Director Stephen Markham publicly announced that Marshall Brain would retire on December 31, 2025. However, Brain's letter said NC State fired him on October 29 and that the "forced retirement" was to allow him to save face.

"The fact is that I am not 'retiring.' Instead, NC State terminated me on Oct. 29. My career has been destroyed by multiple administrators at NCSU who united together and completely ignored the EthicsPoint System and its promises to employees. I did what the university told me to do, and then these administrators ruined my life for it."

University's spokesman, Mick Kulikowski, told Technician that the school has no comment on Brain's death or his allegations against NCSU or its faculty. The school's website briefly removed Brain's bio page but restored it after his email leaked to the media.

Image credit: Marshall Brain, Suzie Tremmel

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It's always the institutions that insist the loudest they are kind, caring, loving, and embracing their progressive social values that treat their employees and customers like absolute puke the moment they exercise any of their rights. You follow the rules and do as you are told, and you are severely punished. Real USSR tier political shenanigans.

Had that with an employer once. Employee reported issues with the fire safety system, and fire hazards within hallways and rooms. The blowback he got drove him off the deep end, and none of the issues were fixed. During lockdowns, they asked for suggestions on how to make the workplace safer, one man made a long list and sent it tot he board as suggestions, they attempted to fire him and intimidate him by sending police officers to his house to deliver a certified letter telling him of his discipline.

Same employer had multiple days of mandatory "training" to tell us how much we mattered and instill the proper right-think about social issues every year. Got sued multiple times a year for all sorts of nasty allegations they allowed to propagate with no recourse. Or course the directors were exempt from this "training". Go figure.

It's a real shame this occurred and I can absolutely believe he felt trapped. The modern educational system is full of high school cliques and wannabe politicians with egos the size of a mack truck just waiting for a target. It's a shame too, in the current political climate the atom bomb of an expose he could've written could have actual tangible consequences for NCSU.
It's always the institutions that insist the loudest they are kind, caring, loving, and embracing their progressive social values that treat their employees and customers like absolute puke the moment they exercise any of their rights. You follow the rules and do as you are told, and you are severely punished. Real USSR tier political shenanigans.

Had that with an employer once. Employee reported issues with the fire safety system, and fire hazards within hallways and rooms. The blowback he got drove him off the deep end, and none of the issues were fixed. During lockdowns, they asked for suggestions on how to make the workplace safer, one man made a long list and sent it tot he board as suggestions, they attempted to fire him and intimidate him by sending police officers to his house to deliver a certified letter telling him of his discipline.

Same employer had multiple days of mandatory "training" to tell us how much we mattered and instill the proper right-think about social issues every year. Got sued multiple times a year for all sorts of nasty allegations they allowed to propagate with no recourse. Or course the directors were exempt from this "training". Go figure.

It's a real shame this occurred and I can absolutely believe he felt trapped. The modern educational system is full of high school cliques and wannabe politicians with egos the size of a mack truck just waiting for a target. It's a shame too, in the current political climate the atom bomb of an expose he could've written could have actual tangible consequences for NCSU.

It's almost always a power grab and control. The kind and caring progressive facade is only the thin layering on top. I don't know if people are stupid to not see it, or they are willfully ignorant, because it caters to their sensibilities.
It's almost always a power grab and control. The kind and caring progressive facade is only the thin layering on top. I don't know if people are stupid to not see it, or they are willfully ignorant, because it caters to their sensibilities.
It's propaganda, designed to get at your sensibilities and force you to fight each other to avoid the looming crisis behind the scenes. There's a reason a lot of this nonsense started taking off in 2009, the same year OWS took off in popularity before someone manage to get a ketchup man in for an interview. Anyone who can see through the noise for what it really is and speak the truth of it gets drowned out by the masses of ignorance, if not directly attacked for not agreeing with "the message".

Keep the peasants angry and at each others throats, you can plunder the vault for generations and maintain your illusions of god-like authority.
An excerpt from Brain's letter written shortly before his death:

"Instead of behaving professionally, Dr. Misra exploded in fury. What came back was a
sickening nuclear bomb of retaliation the likes of which could not be believed. She ex-
communicated me from my department for reporting my concerns to her."

Veena Misra is the department head and Brain's supervisor.
Hmm. If I loved teaching, and was in my mid-forties when I was handed a check for $250 million, I'd have just started my own damned University. Why work in a bureacratic strait-jacket built by someone else when you had the means to do it better yourself?

But who knows what motivations some people have. Me, I'd have bought a few thousand acres in the middle of nowhere and enjoyed a life of peace, solitude, and beauty far from the masses of bipedal hominids who seem compelled to ruin other people's lives.