Tech Culture

Tech Culture

The technology revolution is everywhere and it's manifesting in more ways than we can imagine. The intersection of technology and society, from art to communication.

What Ever Happened to Netscape?

It was a magical time, PC sales were just booming and if you were lucky, yours would come with a modem for dial-up Internet access. You would hear the scrambling sound of your phone line connecting you to the world. Launching Netscape and staring at the throbber animation while a single web page loaded.

research clean energy nuclear laser futurology colorado sustainability

New $150M facility will fire 7-petawatt lasers to (hopefully) achieve nuclear fusion

Forward-looking: Fusion energy is often regarded as the holy grail of power generation because it harnesses the same atomic process that powers the sun. The concept involves forcing atomic nuclei to fuse together, unleashing immense energy. If scientists can crack the code using lasers, it could lead to a virtually limitless supply of safe, sustainable energy without any carbon emissions.

Study finds standing desks may be bad for your health

Every 30 minutes spent standing beyond two hours increases the risk of circulatory disease by 11%
In brief: We've long been told that sitting at a desk all day is the new smoking, resulting in a higher risk of dangerous health conditions. It's why companies such as Google offer employees the option to use standing desks. However, according to a new study, standing all day may not be as good for us as we think, and could even increase the risk of conditions such as swollen veins and blood clots in the legs.
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