

Cutting-edge PC hardware and enthusiast computing. CPUs, graphics cards, storage, and gaming gear defining the computing world.

linus torvalds

Linus Torvalds is "fed up" with making kernel changes to address faulty hardware

"Let's put the onus on where the blame lies ... bad hardware"
A hot potato: Linus Torvalds is sick and tired of trying to "fix" Linux to work on Intel's faulty processors. In his view, Linux isn't broken, so why should he (and other FOSS developers) fix anything? Intel is the one with the problems. He vented his ire in a thread recently.
arm qualcomm snapdragon lawsuit nuvia snapdragon x plus

In a shocking move, Arm cancels Qualcomm's license to manufacture Snapdragon chips

Qualcomm is almost entirely dependent on those licenses for its products
What just happened? The long-simmering battle between British chip designer Arm and American semiconductor superstar Qualcomm has just reached a boiling point. Arm has now given Qualcomm notice that it is terminating the license allowing Qualcomm to create its own chips based on Arm's intellectual property.
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