Car Tech

Car Tech

Transportation is now a tech-driven industry. Exploring automotive technology, from electric vehicles and self-driving tech to infotainment systems shaping the future of mobility.

tesla cybertruck battery

Tesla rolls out first-ever Cybertruck with dry cathode battery following years of development

If the gambit pays off, Cybertrucks could eventually become cheaper
In context: Tesla set the stage for this milestone back in 2019 when it pulled the trigger on a major battery tech acquisition. The EV maker scooped up Maxwell Technologies and its promising "dry electrode" coating process, originally developed for supercapacitors. At the time, Tesla was still relying on partnerships with suppliers like Panasonic for cell production. But the Maxwell deal signaled Elon Musk's ambitions to bring that technology fully in-house.
drunk driving

New camera-based system can detect alcohol impairment in drivers by checking their faces

Resting drunk face
In brief: Glassy eyes, drooping eyelids, a slack jaw: these are all signs that someone might have had one drink too many. It's often obvious when someone is drunk just by looking at their face, and interior vehicle cameras could eventually use these tell-tale signs to help prevent drink-driving incidents.
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