You misunderstand completely what is this about. Most people if not all, want EU and NATO, they just don't want to go to war for Ukraine. Same with people all over Europe or US. Is that making us rusofiles? Most people love the West, but not the woke ideas. Does that make us comunists? It's the same in Europe and US. We thought we are free to choose in an election, but now they have suppressed our right to vote, because "they know better", nine Supreme Court judges, who are named politically. Surely, if a manciurian candidate presents himself, you stop him before the election, not when he is about to win. Even so, the guy that half of Romania hates is not even indicted. Except for one, all TV stations are foaming at the mouth that they will soon catch him, yet nothing happens. It's a complete paranoia and as you have seen from comments of my fellow Romanians, insults swirl in all directions and nobody cares to listen different arguments. Seeing things black and white it's so limited and certainly not the platform, here on Techspot, to discuss the complexity and severe problems of the Romanian society, but one thing you can be sure of: NOBODY wants to go back to Russia.